There are fewer things in life that delight me more than receiving mail...and I got a package, to boot! :-)
My dear friends from college, Emma and Lizzie, had been visiting together over the week and had thoughtfully sent off a little gift to me they had found while perusing an antique dish shop.
The shop is nearby Emma's house. She took me to visit it when I was there over Christmas break a few years ago. I remember picking out a tea cup for Lizzie at the time. It seems this is the beginning of a new tradition....
I love this cup! It is covered in little blue 'ermine,' the French Breton symbol; although, I believe, the tea cup is British Spode's. I can't wait to sip a warm cup from this delightful dish!
Back in college, Emma, Lizzie and I would frequently have afternoon tea together in attempt to break away from the bustle of the day for a few moments to enjoy each others' company, catch up on life and sip a refreshing brew. Usually, we would also pass around some sort of teatime treat we had whipped up in the kitchen or discovered on one of our excursions. We would normally convene in their room, wonderfully situated on the west side of the building with large windows that let in the waning daylight. It is a custom I sorely miss from our 'carefree' days....

Speaking of teas, I must put in a plug for Tazo's newest holiday tea: JOY. It is a combination of black, green, and oolong teas, described on the box as "Rare Darjeelings and Formosa Oolongs are paired with light-bodied, fragrant Nuwara Eliya teas from Ceylon. Yunnan teas from the high plateaus of Southern China and Southern India Nilgiris add texture and complexity." As Ryan put it, 'It is like party in your mouth!'...although, I would argue a rather mellow one. ;-) The flavors of the different varieties come together in perfect harmony and leave you feeling warm and satisfied. Although I do love my cinnamon, it is nice to have a holiday tea that is not focused entirely on spices.
I'm going to have to try that tea. Next time I'm at the store I'll pick some up.
I love drinking tea.
That tea sounds really good. Funny, I was just looking at all the Christmas teas I have and each one focuses on spice!
Gorgeous teacup.
Well, tea parties are usually fairly mellow.... ;-p
I just had a cup of this tonight and I must say that it was quite amazing!
First of all....awesome tea cup. Second...I love the Joy tea. Perfect seasonal blend....of spice and black & Oolong.
BTW: Your blog is amazing. Keep writing!
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