Starbucks has a series of specialty hot chocolate drinks this year, one of which is garnished with salt. Yes, you read that correctly: SALT. (A friend of mine thinks this is a new fad with chocolate drinks.)

What first came to mind upon tasting it was a sweet pastry with chocolate filling, like a Pain au Chocolat. I mean, when we bake cookies, cakes, etc. we use salt in the recipe, don't we? Sweet with salt isn't unheard of.
Several people had remarked to me that they thought the salt brought out the other flavors. It certainly doesn't stand out in this drink and scream 'SEA (CHOCOLATE) WATER!' or anything. Although, apparently, it is sea salt on top and sugar produced from Hawaiian cane....
I know that salt affects the baking process when cooking pastries and such. But, more importantly, studies show it does enhance the flavor of foods. And better still, it supresses undesirable flavors! Scientists say it is one of the reasons that people have a hard time going on low-sodium diets. You are then forced to put up with all the undesirables in the gastronomic world. Bummer. (Here is an experiment you can do testing out the effect of salt combined with sweet and bitter tastes on your taste buds.)
Thus, really, it is ingenious to top a delicious drink with salt if it causes the taste buds to further rejoice in the flavor!
On the other hand, it just occurred to me that one of the reasons pre-packaged/canned foods are so high in sodium is probably because they are trying to capitalize on the little good there is while masking the preservatives. That is not a happy thought.
Back to the hot chocolate...
We passed the drink around (probably spreading a bajillion germs). Many noticed the buttery taste of the caramel. One of my friends said that it reminded her of Popcorn Jelly Bellys. (Yuck. Those things are nasty!)

Gross! I really dislike salted chocolate, with perhaps chocolate-covered pretzels being the one exception. The reason is just what you say--often salt is used to disguise poor-quality chocolate and the revolting result is your typical Kit Kat bar or Reese's peanut butter cup. Have you ever noticed that's why some chocolates go well with beer? No self-respecting chocolate should match beer. And my most disappointing memories of hot chocolate are those cloying, icky mixes of hot cocoa that contain too much salt again! So, even if I ever went to Starbucks which I don't (as you mentioned earlier, Daily Grind is far superior), I would never try this drink.
I was wondering how this drink tastes. It sounds like it is just so-so.
Agreed...popcorn Jelly Bellys are perhaps one of the most vial creations known to man! How is it that they are one of the most popular flavors in the Jelly Belly arsenal of creative concoctions?
It's awesome! Love this drink and hoping they bring it back this fall!
Sooooo good! If you like Chubby Hubby Ice Cream (Ben and Jerry's) you know the salty sweet combo is great!
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