Thursday, December 1, 2011


It was bound to happen.

I've never had luck with the silver-bottomed pan for anything. It adheres my eggs immediately upon contact and sears my chicken breasts to a crisp.

But I wanted to have faith in it, that it was useful for things other than bashing intruders over the head.

I did everything right. I smeared the bread generously with butter; I placed it over medium-low heat; I watched it like a hawk. But I ended up with a burnt, totally inedible sandwich and a branded pan. I suppose next time that will remind me that it is better to spend two minutes washing out the other pan than attempt using this one. Back to the deep recesses of the cabinet it goes....


Sadi Jean said...

haha! I hate those stupid pans! Thats always happens to me too :)

Sylvia said...

We had a pan like that as well, at my old house. It's not so much the lack of the non-stick coating as how thin (i.e. cheap) the pan is that will cause this problem. I use my Revereware silver-bottom skillet all the time, and it works just fine!

Laurel said...

@healthy sanguine - Yes, agreed, it is the cheapness of the pan that is the culprit. I've seen the more expensive-types do a fine job of cooking an egg without grabbing on with a steel grip! ;)